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Wife and I are freshly new owners of a Sea Fox 248 Commander with 250 Yamaha. We added radar, second 10" garmin, NMEA network (and waiting for the VHF to finally show up) immediately after purchase.

Currently live in North Georgia - fish, dive, drink etc in South Florida whenever we can.

So far only 1 really shakedown trip - an 800 mile (each way) tow down to South Florida (Marathon) for a week.

We'veĀ  been boaters for a long time - but just now getting to a stage where we can be out on the ocean. Historically we've been lake boaters - open bow, wakeboard boat, jet skis.

Loving the Sea Fox so far and looking forward to many more trips on this one - of course it will see some use in lakes since we are about 5 miles from several launch ramps.

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Hello - by lmm1967 - 04-05-2022, 09:56 PM
RE: Hello - by Avenger - 04-08-2022, 02:34 PM

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