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Marathon, Florida stay

We've traveled to the keys multiple times over the past few years. We're now lucky enough to be owners of a 248 Commander that we tow down with us.

We typically rent a waterfront house / townhouse in the airport area - search your maps for Aviation Blvd in Marathon - below is a screen shot.

Link 1 directly below is a perfect boaters cove - which also is a great fishery (snappers, grunts, plenty of nurse sharks and we've caught a 39" Goliath in that cove). Cove is home to turtles and manatee, as well as all the typical bait stealing birds.

Great Cove to rent a house on.

Link 2 below will open a google map showing a, very well protected, free public launch ramp. No parking and limited to dual axle or smaller trailers - so you need to launch and then drag the trailer back to wherever you are staying. This is really the worse feature in our opinion - but that's mainly because I essentially solo launch. On the map it seems like this may not connect to the GoM - it does and there are some sizable boats that navigate in and out of there with no problem.

Free public launch ramp

You can drop anchor directly outside this boating cove and be in 6' - 7' of water, drop a chum block and get bait (baracuda will be a little bit of a nuisance) - or fish the magnrove islands.

You can be under the 7 mile bridge in a fairly short run - and get directly out to Sombrero reef or the fishing grounds right beyond the reef area.

Motor out of the cove, anchor up and watch sunset - still get back to the dock before it gets dark.

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